

Get Social with Sarah

Sarah Ann Masse on Instagram
Sarah Ann Masse on Twitter
Sarah Ann Masse on IMDb

We Are Thomasse: Sarah’s British-American sketch duo

We Are Thomasse Website
We are Thomasse on Facebook
We are Thomasse on YouTube
We Are Thomasse on Instagram
We are Thomasse on Twitter

Hire Survivors Hollywood: Sarah’s initiative to end retaliation against sexual violence survivors in the entertainment industry

Hire Survivors Hollywood website
HSH on Instagram
HSH on Twitter
HSH on Facebook

Tristan & Kelly: Sarah’s short film co-starring Game of Thrones’ Toby Sebastian

Tristan & Kelly Website
Tristan & Kelly on Facebook
Tristan & Kelly on Instagram
Tristan & Kelly on Twitter

The Real Founding Fathers of America: Sarah’s historical comedy pilot

The RFFOA Website
The RFFOA on Twitter
The RFFOA on Instagram

S’N’M: a web sitcom co-written by and co-starring Sarah

S’N’M Episodes
S’N’M on Twitter
S’N’M on Facebook

Macwood Fleet: Sarah’s improv and sketch team

Macwood Fleet on Twitter
Macwood Fleet on Facebook

 Sketch 13, Sarah’s internet sketch group

Sketch 13 on Twitter
Sketch 13 on Facebook
Sketch 13 on YouTube

Regional Boxes: YOUR wild card team, Sarah’s six person improv team

Regional Boxes